

Bandages are some of the most common medical materials. They are used to support medical apparatus like wound dressings or can be used independently to support injured or bruised body parts. Moreover, they can be used to inhibit bodily fluids like lymph fluid, blood and more.

With the multiple use cases of the bandages, so do they come in different forms. For example, roller bandages are multi-purpose bandages that can be used in different situations like holding a wound dressing, controlling bleeding and supporting an injured joint or limb. The roller bandages are made from elasticised crepe or lightweight cotton depending on use.

Triangular bandages are made from a metre square of cotton cut in half diagonally. It can be used in different ways as a sling or keeping in place broken bones and for soft tissue injuries.

Are you looking to buy bandaging items for your medical facility? Browse through our catalogue for the best range of bandages for you. Whether you need compression, cohesive, impregnated, triangular, or tubular bandages, you can get it all from us.