Compression Devices
Compression therapy provides support to the limbs to ensure proper lymph and blood flow. It involves applying pressure to the arms, legs, ankles, feet and at times the torso too. Additional pressure leads to vein constriction, increasing the velocity of blood in the vein.
Compression devices are specifically used in compression therapy and apply pressure to the various body parts as described. This ensures proper blood circulation for immobile patients. Proper blood circulation helps avoid swelling, reduces numbness and moves fluids from one part of the leg. This helps avoid various circulatory conditions like Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).
Therapeutic compression is comfortable and affordable for most patients. Only a few compression devices are needed to get started in delivering the therapy. These devices allow you to exert the required pressure depending on the state of the feet and other body parts.
Are you ready to get started on compression therapy? Purchase compression devices from USL Medical, a leading supplier of professional medical equipment across New Zealand and Australia.