

You can now carry a portable fetal doppler with you to all of your hospital appointments because they meet or exceed professional medical standards. They have revolutionized care in obstetrics facilities around the world thanks to high-performance devices like the Huntleigh Fetal Doppler. This does not, however, imply that quality is compromised. When it comes to maternity equipment, in particular, we at USL Medical demand reliable, uncompromising quality.

Our dopplers are designed for this purpose:

  1. In order to get accurate and reliable readings, the sensor is extremely sensitive. In addition to systolic pressure monitoring, these devices can detect an early fetal heartbeat.
  2. It's simple to use. It's important for handheld and portable devices to produce consistently accurate results; therefore, we prefer to see simplified usage and readings.
  3. High-quality audio output for a wide range of applications with no unwanted noise or interference in the background.
  4. Service large numbers of patients in harsh conditions while remaining durable and reliable.
  5. Unique features like fetal monitor corometrics are offered.

The best fetal dopplers provide assurance and joy, but most importantly, reliable information to aid in the early diagnosis of fetal health complications. That is exactly what you get with USL Medical's maternity dopplers.

Order today and take advantage of our amazing prices!