The Portex® Uniperc adjustable flange cuffed tracheostomy tube by ICU Medical is specially designed for patients with large neck anatomy where standard tubes are inappropriate because the tracheostomy tube and procedural components are too short. Fully flexible design, the Inner Cannula’s soft material bends to the shape of the tracheostomy tube
- Suitable for patients with up to 50 mm of pre-tracheal soft tissues
- Graduated reinforced PVC material provides a high level of flexibility with ultimate kink resistance.
- Tapered tip to assist insertion and help minimize trauma to the tracheal wall
- MRI conditional
- Made from PTFE the Inner Cannula non-stick surface minimises secretion adherence
- The distinctive markings on the tube permit easy setting of the flange at the correct depth
- Large transparent flexible wings for improved patient comfort
- Suitable for surgical placement or as tube replacements during tube changes
- Positive locking clamp: simple to use with positive feel and visual confirmation
- Supplied with a dedicated flexible Inner Cannula
- Available in sizes 7.0, 8.0 and 9.0 mm
- Available with SOFT SEAL® cuff or uncuffed
- Available as part of a dedicated percutaneous kit