- 3M Attest Biological indicators that monitor the effectiveness of the steam sterilisation process and provide results within 48 hours.
- The self-contained BI for 250°F/121°C gravity and 270°F /132°C vacuum-assisted steam cycles consist of a Geobacillus stearothermophilus spore strip; sealed glass ampule with growth medium and a bromocresol purple pH indicator system; brown color-coded cap with holes for sterilant penetration and a hydrophobic filter as a bacterial barrier, and a chemical indicator on the label that changes from rose to brown when processed.
- After sterilisation, the vial is "crushed" to join the growth media with the processed spore strip. The BI is incubated for 48 hours for a visual change readout. A colour change to yellow indicates surviving spores and a positive result.
- Biological indicator vials are easy to use and interpret with visual color readout in 48 hours.
- Self-contained biological indicators significantly reduce possibility of contamination, minimizing false positives and assuring more accurate results.